Stats 2019/20

Deryck Crossley

Welcome to the detailed player statistics page for Deryck Crossley. Statistics currently go back to the 1995/96 season. It is hoped that we will be able to take the data further back in time once we find final league tables in old copies of the magazine.

STATS APPEAL We have found copies of the player stats in our archives back to the late 80s. Unfortunately some seasons are missing. If you have copies of the magazine that published the final league tables for the seasons 1989/90, 1993/94 or 1994/95 we would really like a scan of them. Please contact the Fixture Secretary for more information.

Player Summary

Division Seasons Ties Matches Won Lost Avg
2 7 105 315 90 225 29%
3 13 221 663 284 379 43%
4 5 66 198 67 131 34%
Totals 25 392 1176 441 735 38%

Player History Table

Season Div Team Ties Matches Won Lost Avg
18/19 4 Marlborough Merlins 15/18 45 11 34 24%
17/18 4 Marlborough F 11/18 33 13 20 39%
16/17 4 Marlborough F 13/18 39 4 35 10%
15/16 4 Marlborough G 11/14 33 6 27 18%
14/15 3 Marlborough F 17/18 51 4 47 8%
13/14 4 Marlborough F 16/18 48 33 15 69%
12/13 3 Marlborough E 13/16 39 7 32 18%
11/12 3 Marlborough E 11/16 33 6 27 18%
10/11 3 Marlborough D 15/18 45 7 38 16%
09/10 3 BR Didcot E 18/20 54 15 39 28%
08/09 3 BR Didcot D 19/20 57 22 35 39%
07/08 3 BR Didcot D 17/20 51 25 26 49%
06/07 3 BR Didcot D 17/22 51 25 26 49%
05/06 3 BR Didcot E 20/22 60 32 28 53%
04/05 3 DPS E 20/20 60 32 28 53%
03/04 3 DPS E 17/18 51 32 19 63%
02/03 2 DPS C 13/24 39 8 31 21%
01/02 2 DPS C 10/22 30 7 23 23%
00/01 2 NPD C 10/22 30 11 19 37%
99/00 2 NPD C 16/20 48 11 37 23%
98/99 2 NPD D 21/22 63 20 43 32%
97/98 2 NPD C 18/20 54 20 34 37%
96/97 2 NPD D 17/22 51 13 38 25%
95/96 3 NPD D 20/22 60 45 15 75%
92/93 3 NPD C 17/18 51 32 19 63%

Player History Graph

Player History Graph


  • Data is from the digital database from the 2004/05 season. Prior to this the data comes from transcriptions of the handbooks and magazines.
  • The final table for Division One for the 2002/03 season is incomplete and some player's data is missing.
  • There is no distinction made between players with the same name in some handbooks, e.g. we've had to make a guess which R Jones is which!
  • There is no data for the 93/94 or the 94/95 season.